Battery & Ignition Services in Greenfield, WI

Battery And Ignition System Services At Boucher Auto Group

Your battery powers the electrical system inside your vehicle and the ignition system is responsible for sending that power to your engine to start your vehicle. Both of these aspects are incredibly important to the overall health of your vehicle and ensuring they are running properly is a task that falls in the hands of you, the everyday driver of the vehicle, as much as it falls in the hands of your trusted local mechanic.

Here in the state of Wisconsin, we experience vast changes in temperature and weather conditions. In the winters, the temperature can drop as low as -20 degrees with wind chill and rise as high as 110 degrees with 100% humidity. These high and low temperatures can place a lot of wear and tear on your battery and ignition system. As a result, it is your job as the driver and owner, or lessee, of the vehicle to properly maintain these aspects of your vehicle throughout the entire year. If you are ever in need of routine or immediate battery and ignition system services, make sure to visit one of our several Boucher Auto Group locations here in southeastern and southcentral Wisconsin!

Maintaining Your Battering And Ignition System

There are a few simple steps that drivers can follow to ensure that their battery and ignition systems are well-maintained throughout the course of the vehicle’s lifetime. One way to improve the life of your vehicle’s battery and ignition system is by avoiding short rides, which do not allow the battery to fully charge. Drive your vehicle often and for an extended period of time to ensure the battery fully charges during each trip. We also recommend that you unplug all internal electrical devices and turn off all the vehicle’s lights when exiting the vehicle. These items may still draw power from the battery when the vehicle is no longer running. Additionally, avoid using electronics when the vehicle is idling as they prevent the battery from charging up as quickly as it should. If you test your battery often, make sure it is securely tightened in place, and remove excess corrosion, then your vehicle’s battery should have a lengthy life!

Schedule Battery And Ignition System Service At Our Boucher Auto Group Locations

At Boucher Auto Group, we service both foreign and domestic vehicles regardless of make or model and strive to offer family-friendly experience for you! We also do the very best that we can to ensure that you roll out of our service bay with confidence. Now, if you live anywhere near one of our 17 service centers, then you should give us a call today to schedule battery or ignition system service! We have locations from Janesville, to Waukesha, to Racine and all of them offer the same tremendous level of service! Contact us today!

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4141 S. 108th Street
Greenfield, WI 53228
Boucher Auto Group 42.9685224, -88.0489182.